JSR has implemented the automation of its audit/assurance processes through the acquisition of the DraftWorx software – affordable and renown solutions for achievement of IFRS and ISA compliance. The software provider can be visited at www.dataprime.co.za and JSR is pleased that the solutions will yield benefits for the firm and its clients.
JSR will be able to import trial balance direct from a number of accounting applications that are used by clients; namely SAGE, QuickBooks, Xero, CaseWare, DraftWorx and even Microsoft Excel. We believe that this software will lead to a win-win result for both JSR and its clients. Furthermore, the software is flexible in that it also has capabilities for IPSAS, ISRE and ISRS compliance.
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
ISRS International Standard on Related Services
ISRE International Standard on Review Engagements
ISA International Standards on Auditing
IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards