Home » J.Samuel Richards streamlines University finance systems

December 4, 2021    By admin


Nkumba University (NU) is a private University located in Uganda with slightly over 10,000 students and 400 administrative staff. It was established in 1994 and is dedicated to the promotion of excellence in applied business education. NU builds students on the 4Cs: Creativity, Confidence, Competence and Character.

NU had challenges in the area of financial management ranging from delayed financial reporting, integrity of financial data, high turnover with respect to the leadership of the finance department, and unreliable IT support systems among others.

J.Samuel Richards was selected to carry out a thorough study and recommend practical remedial action. Using flow-charting tools, review of existing practices and interviews, J.Samuel Richards accomplished the tasks within three months. NU has already started implementing the 46 recommendations that had been highlighted by J.Samuel Richards.