Home » East Africa – what and when should be unlocked?

December 6, 2021    By admin


By 24-April-2020, the cumulative Covid-19 confirmed cases in the Eastern Africa region was 1285 but was increasing at 8% per day which is too high. A best case scenario would be a 1% daily increase so that the curve can start to flatten and reach a peak by mid-May 2020.

Source of raw data that was analyzed by author. https://data.humdata.org/dataset/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-cases

M.24= March 24th , M.25 = March 25th,  ,  A.1 = April 1st  , A.2 = April 2nd   ,  My.1 = May 1st , My.2 = May 2nd and so on

Thereafter, countries could implement un-lock measures in phases (1,2 and so on), all with standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place and enforced, including social distancing, some staff working from home, continue hygiene and nutrition measures:

Phase 1 (mid-May 2020, estimate)

Private and public transport, Government and businesses, Banking hours extended 

Phase 2 (end-May 2020, estimate)

Educational institutions, Places of worship, Curfew lifted

Next phases  (June 2020 onwards)

Sports, Air travel within East Africa, Meetings and conferences, And so on…..